1. Hand-outs
2. Prosthodontic Clinical Manual
3. Senih Çalıkkocaoğlu, Pınar Kursoğlu, Nuray Çapa. Total Protezlerin Laboratuvar İşlemleri, 2007
4. Senih Çalıkkocaoğlu, Pınar Kursoğlu, Nuray Çapa. Parsiyel Protezlerin Laboratuvar şlemleri, 2005
5. İdil Dikbaş, Temel Köksal (Turkish editors). Bir Bakışta Protez, 2015. Original: Prosthodontics at a Glance, Irfan Ahmad. Wiley-Blackwell. 6. Pınar Kursoğlu (Turkish editor). Hareketli Bölümlü Protezler, 2011. Original: Nicholas J A Jepson, Quintessence.
7. Senih Çalıkkocaoğlu. Dişsiz hastaların protetik tedavisi: Klasik tam protezler, 2010
8. Ender Kazazoğlu (Turkish editor). Total Protezlerin Temel İlkeleri ve Pratiği, 2007. Original: Iwao Hayakawa. Quintessence.
9. Allen, P. Finbarr. Complete Dentures: from planning to problem solving, 2003
10. Senih Çalıkkocaoğlu. Bölümlü protezler, 1996
11. Shillinburg, Herbert T. Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics, 1997 12. George A. Zarb. Boucher's prosthodontic treatment for edentulous patients, 1997
13. Lamb, D. J. Problems and solutions in complete denture prosthodontics, 1993
14. Grant, Alan A. Removable denture prosthodontics, 1992
15. Kratochvil, F. James. Partial removable prosthodontics, 1988 16. McCracken, William L. McCracken's Removable partial prosthodontics, 1985
17. McLean, John W. The science and art of dental ceramics, 1980 18. Carl E. Misch, Dental Implant Prosthetics, 2015.