The Course content comprises a general explanation of cellular structure, cell signaling events, cell cycle and programmed cell death, the safety rules of a medical biology laboratory, laboratory equipment and devices as well as their practical use, the cellular mechanism of the cell division, the basic building block of life, and transfer of genetic information from generation with using basic microscopic technique, the different methods of DNA isolation, the first step in genetic studies, as well as the measurement of the amount and quality of obtained DNA, the Mechanical, electrical, optical events and their importance in the human body, the basis of organic reactions occurring in the human body, the types of microscopes and their area of use, the different histological methods used in laboratories, Monosaccharide derivatives, Oligosaccharides, Polysaccharides, Glycosaminoglycans, Saturated and Unsaturated fatty acids, Triacylglycerols, Glycerophospholipids, Sphingophospholipids, Bile acids, Eicosanoids, Glutathione, Antioxidant effect, Proteins, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary Structures,.